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2,500 people evacuated during Evacuation Drill in the Antwerp diamond sector

Friday, 5 December, 2014

Today, the Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC) organized a large-scale evacuation drill in the diamond district. The drill was organized in collaboration with the City of Antwerp and the Antwerp Local Police. The majority of buildings and businesses in the diamond district participated. About 2,500 people were evacuated.

Security, surveillance and safety are crucial for the Antwerp diamond industry. As an umbrella organization and representative of the sector, AWDC, and the AWDC Security Office (AWDC SO) in particular, plays an important role when it comes to security and everything related to it. It is AWDC SO’s mission to support and facilitate the diamond industry in the fields of security, surveillance and safety. AWDC SO also acts as a safeguard of staff, the diamond district community, goods, information and the sector’s reputation against internal and/or external threats or incidents.

The purpose of this exercise was to practice and test the implementation of evacuation procedures under controlled conditions. Moreover, evacuation exercises are required by law and must be held at least once a year. A special certificate is available for companies who participated in the exercise to show to their insurance provider if needed.

AWDC wishes to thank the City of Antwerp and the Antwerp Local Police for their collaboration and for successfully coordinating the evacuation exercise.