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AD Jobs to again participate in Roularta Job Fair

Thursday, 2 April, 2015

Today, the AWDC will participate for the second time in the Roularta Job Fair to promote “Antwerp Diamond Jobs”. The previous edition was a rousing success with 1,500 visitors to the AD Jobs booth. AWDC hopes to surpass this number during the second edition.

In 2013, the AWDC launched “Antwerp Diamond Jobs”, a website gathering all the career opportunities in the diamond industry in one place. AD Jobs enables jobseekers and employers to connect with one another. Companies can place their openings online and jobseekers can create and manage their own profile. All the different positions are announced, from diamond cutter to administrative and commercial profiles.

“AD Jobs is a success: since its launch, 45% of all openings have been filled through the job tool. 246 openings have been posted online, leading to 10,147 applications, with 7,680 interested parties having registered on the website”, according to Margaux Donckier, AWDC spokeswoman.
AD Jobs is continually searching for desirable profiles for the diamond industry, and the Roularta Job Fair is the ideal platform for finding them. This is why the AWDC will be participating for the second time. Last year, the AWDC booth was the most frequently visited booth by far, with people sometimes queuing for an hour and a half. The visitors were highly interested in jobs in the diamond industry. Most of them were jobseekers or recent graduates.

“Initiatives such as this job fair ensure that more people become interested in working in our brilliant industry. The increase in the number of visitors to the website after the fair last year proves this beyond any doubt”, concludes Donckier.