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Address Ari Epstein, CEO AWDC at Angola Centenary Diamond Conference

Friday, 21 June, 2013
Public AffairsEvents

This Centenary Celebration marks the historical partnership between Angola and Antwerp, as two strongholds in the global diamond industry, committed to the same vision; to defend the integrity of our business in every sense imaginable.", says Ari Epstein, CEO of the Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC).

You can find the full address below

Honorable ministers and ambassadors,
Esteemed guests,
Dear Colleagues,

As is custom when celebrating an anniversary I would like to start by saying that it truly is an honor for me personally ànd on behalf of the Antwerp diamond community, to join the other speakers in congratulating Angola… as a nation, its leaders, its diamond 'captains of industry' and most certainly the Angolan people for a century's worth in diamond legacy. A hundredth birthday is, to say the least, a monumental achievement, and the impressive organisation by Endiama of this conference rightfully does this joyful occasion justice.

My mother always told me, that it is not polite to speak about someone's age, especially when it concerns somewhat older ladies, but I'm afraid, dear guests , there's no hiding from the truth. At a hundred years, you may be considered 'the wise, old lady'. If it is any consolation, Antwerp is in the same boat. In fact, both Angola and Antwerp were at the cradle of the modern diamond industry, now exactly a century ago. A moment in history, when a mix of coincidence and the right conditions set out the path to a brilliant destiny for both us. When the first diamonds were extracted from Angolan soil, it marked the promising start of a 'lead role' for Angola, perhaps more than any other country, as thè voice of the interests of the African producing countries. At the same time, in Antwerp, the foundations of the world's prime diamond trading hub were laid. In the following decades, both diamond centres, as true pioneers, would become instrumental in the transformation of a small scaled, artisan business into the multinational, global and, quite frankly, immense operation it is today.

With great power, come greater responsabilities they say. History has proven, sometimes painfully sharp, those are not hollow words. At a time when the industry threatened to sink into the conflict-diamond crisis, it was only natural that both Angola and Antwerp, amongst others, took up their responsabilities. Moreover, it was obvious that our paths would cross again. During the era of the UN embargo, between 1998 and 2002, the Antwerp Diamond High Council worked closely with the Angolan government.  Together they created the first tamper resistant Angolan certificate of origin for rough diamonds. Bringing together the experience and expertise of two strongholds in the industry also resulted in a unique ‘Import Confirmation Certificate’. For the first time, this certificate provided us with a system of a closed trading circuit that fulfilled the most severe requirements.

Both initiatives might seem as footnotes of history now, but essentialy, they symbolize the groundbreaking work ànd commitment of both Antwerp and Angola to the development of the KPCS. And I dare say, that regardless of the ongoing debates, I think it is good to remind ourselves now and then, of what the KP really signifies; an unprecedented cooperation between governments, industry and societal stakeholders all around the globe to fight for the same ideals, a tremendous amount of work in a relatively small amount of time, and the unparalleled achievements that resulted from it.

I mean no disrespect to the young guns in our industry when I say we are two wise old ladies. I do not use these words to differentiate a choice or preference. You see, I believe that aging is not summarized as ‘lost youth’, but as a new stage of opportunity and strenghts. It’s about passing on the collective knowledge, expertise and know-how from one generation to another. About respecting the old ladies’ wisdom and honoring our diamond legacy whilst embracing the new. About reinventing ourselves, to tackle the challenges we face, like we have done over the past century. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I agree that we are on the brink of a new era. We live and operate in a changed world and a very different landscape. But as our President, Mr Fischler, pointed out, we are not at the start of revolution. Ours is not a zero-sum battle, but an evolution.

Ladies and gentlemen, we feel extremely proud to be here today, not only because today we pay tribute to the Angolan pioneers. But also because it is a celebration of one hundred years, in which Angola and Antwerp have stood side by side, constituting the backdrop of our industry. A tested and tried partnership. And I firmly believe, that there couldn’t be a more perfect moment in time for us to continue that partnership. To fully benefit from the leadership roles that are the result of those 100 years. There is no doubt that Angola remains one of the frontrunners and driving forces in defending and advancing the interests of the African producing countries. I’m confident that not just in the past and present but also in the future, the country will continue to be a beacon for progress, a source of inspiration for others. At the same time, it is clear that the country is at the treshold of yet another, promising chapter in its diamond history.

Antwerp, from its side, is also living up to its commitment to the so-called fifth C. We feel that Confidence, Compliance and Corporate Social Responsibility are equally important in defining the unique value of diamonds, as are the four C’s. Both AWDC and the Antwerp diamond community embrace the fifth C and by doing so, we succeed in creating a more transparent diamond industry. Our commitment is showcased through our active participation in the newly established Kimberley Process Administrative Support Mechanism. In addition, we will continue to actively support the KP by sharing our technical expertise and knowledge. We firmly believe that by applying the highest standards and a proactive approach, we càn ensure that diamonds equal real economic and social growth for all involved.

At the same time, Antwerp is and remains thé most comprehensive rough diamond trading hub, with several unique selling points. The Antwerp diamond sector represents over 1800 registered diamond companies, is host to dedicated sales offices of major diamond producing companies and a significant and growing amount of smaller producers. Apart from the specialized diamond banks and insurance companies that enable the industry's financing, we are proud to have four diamond bourses, including the worlds only rough diamond bourse. Last but not least, the Antwerp diamond square mile is home to a long list of facilitating services, such as gem labs, brokers, security services and transportation providers. Combined, they ensure that Antwerp possesses a critical mass that guarantees a fair and optimal market price, for every buyer and for every seller. And I’m sure many here present today, for example our friends from Alrosa who - just a few days ago held a highly  succesful tender in our Antwerp Diamond Tender facility - can testify to this statement.

Therefore and to conclude, I believe it is only natural that our paths shall cross again. As partners in a mutually beneficial alliance and as two defining elements in our industry. We look forward to the Belgian princely mission in October of this year, marking the start of a rejuvenated relationship between Angola and Antwerp.

Lastly, dear friends, I would like to end by returning to the beginning of my speech, when I spoke of the do’s and don’ts of conversing about age. Take it from an oldtimer of over five and a half centuries old and counting; the best ìs yet to come. And yes, it is perfectly ok for a lady to lie about her age.

Thank you.