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Another successful Open Company Day for Antwerp diamond sector

Thursday, 9 October, 2014

For a third successive year, the Antwerp diamond industry opened its doors to the public, welcoming almost 2,500 visitors. "Some 72 tons of diamonds are traded in Antwerp every year," says Ari Epstein, CEO of AWDC. "It is hard for people unfamiliar with the industry to imagine what that means, which makes Open Company Day an ideal opportunity for them to take a look behind the scenes."

Among the 2,500 visitors was Antwerp Deputy Prime Minister Annemie Turtelboom. CEO Ari Epstein introduced Ms. Turtelboom to the diamond industry with a guided tour, during which she also learned to polish a diamond. "The majority of all diamonds pass through Antwerp at a certain stage," Minister Turtelboom stated. "We should be proud of that, because Antwerp is famous for its stringent controls, which help guarantee a well-monitored diamond trade on a global level. The Flemish people have every reason to put their typical modesty aside when it comes to the diamond industry," said Minister Turtelboom.

The numerous visitors discovered the history of the Antwerp diamond, took part in a tour of the bourse buildings, were explained how rough diamonds are incorporated into jewelry, discovered what diamond controls are all about, and learned what the so-called 4 Cs stand for. The diamond polishers received plenty of attention as well.

"The visitors were in good spirits when they returned home at the end of the day," says Epstein. "Some of them were even lucky enough to go home with a little something extra in their pockets. Each visitor who bought one of our diamond cocktails for charity had a chance to win a real diamond."

AWDC has donated the proceeds of its diamond cocktails to the Antwerp Food Bank, which will use the money to buy 1,500 kg of sugar.

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