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Antwerp’s diamond market shines: new fair a hive of activity

Thursday, 17 October, 2013

On Tuesday, the Antwerp Beurs voor Diamanthandel bustled with activity, as the first Antwerp Diamond Manufacturers and Traders Fair was launched. This Fair, the first local specialist event dedicated to the more than one thousand Antwerp diamond manufacturers and traders, demonstrated the resilience and potential of Antwerp’s polished market.

The Bourse trading floor was packed all day with the constant hum of activity. Such was the level of interest that diamantaires, exhibitors, buyers and sellers, pressed to repeat this event as soon as possible, with the result that the Bourse has decided to hold a second edition of this event before year-end.

Antwerp Diamond Bourse President Marcel Pruwer:
“As a leading international rough and polished diamond trading center, Antwerp’s bourses and the AWDC have launched a program of bold initiatives to expand and strengthen the global diamond and jewellery trade. Securing the future of the Antwerp Industry depends on adding value to the business of all industry stakeholders. The Beurs voor Diamanthandel identified a number of exciting opportunities and this is the first. It looks like we will see a succession of enterprising initiatives coming out of Antwerp in the near future.”

For more information about forthcoming Antwerp Diamond Bourse events, contact:

You can find pictures of the event here