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AWDC Annual Report 2013

2013 was a stellar year for AWDC and for the Antwerp diamond sector. In this time of change in the global diamond industry, AWDC’s every activity was guided by and rationalized in terms of reinforcing Antwerp’s position as the world’s leading diamond hub. In 2013, AWDC rose to the challenges of new actors emerging in the global diamond industry and reinforced and further developed Antwerp as market leader.

We take great pleasure in delivering this annual report that details our efforts in fulfilling our mission. In terms of pure numbers, the 2013 figures are very telling when it comes to Antwerp’s success. With rough trade up by a solid 8%, 2013 was the second best year ever for Antwerp. A variety of initiatives were taken by AWDC in identifying new possibilities and partnerships. We embarked on activities across four continents.

Through its wide geographic reach, AWDC reinforced ties with key producers around the world and facilitated numerous opportunities for the sector to connect with relevant stakeholders along the diamond pipeline. AWDC also increased Antwerp’s global footprint with princely economic missions to a number of countries in Africa and to India, an economic mission to Canada and through pariticipation in Open Embassy Day in the United States. At the same time, the world came to visit Antwerp, with over 150 official delegations, including royal, head of state, minister-level and key production visitors as well as the Chair of the Kimberley Process, once again confirming our sector’s importance on the global stage.

To promote Antwerp as the destination for superior quality products, the foundation was laid for the quality label ‘Antwerp’s Most Brilliant’, which by applying the strictest requirements, distinguishes jewellers meeting the highest standards.
Understanding your needs in running your business, we held 14 almost always fully booked workshops regarding sustainability, security and AML & Compliance. Through our weekly newsletter and press releases we informed you about issues pertinent to the sector and created more visibility and name recognition for AWDC.

In 2014, AWDC will continue to be dedicated to positioning Antwerp as the leading diamond hub, in the face of competition from other diamond centres. It will continue to serve as a platform for the promotion of Antwerp’s unrivalled assets. We are proud to lead AWDC, an organization comprised of people who demonstrate exceptional professionalism and who are passionate about serving the Antwerp diamond sector. Every day, we work hard to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.

We hope that you share our excitement about the course of AWDC’s activities and the shared opportunity we have to bolster Antwerp as prime diamond trading hub. Together we are brilliant!

We thank you for taking the time to read about AWDC’s accomplishments.