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AWDC SO and LPA resolve important matters

Wednesday, 15 April, 2015

The AWDC Security Office (AWDC SO) and the Antwerp Local Police (LPA) work closely together to ensure the safety and security of the Antwerp diamond industry and community. Some matters of crucial importance were resolved as a result of this successful collaboration.

In 2014, AWDC SO noted an increase of failed, foiled and successful cyber crime incidents in the Antwerp Diamond Community. Since the end of 2014, AWDC SO organizes structural and monthly "Cyber Crime Awareness briefings" specifically developed for the Antwerp Diamond Community. Awareness has clearly increased since AWDC SO received several reports on attempted scams meant to either steal information using phishing scams, or to fool diamantaires into paying large amounts based on fraudulent bank transfer documents or invoices. If you have any doubts, contact the AWDC SO and/or the Antwerp Local Police - Diamond Division.

In the second quarter of 2014, a diamantaire who fell victim to a fraudster contacted the AWDC SO. After gathering all relevant information and options, the diamantaire was convinced to file an official complaint with the Antwerp Local Police - Diamond Division, which immediately launched an inquiry reaching out to the fraudster. In mid-March we received confirmation that the fraudster had paid back the full outstanding debt of $9,000 to the diamantaire. The investigation is still ongoing.

At the end of February 2015, an S-ADA company reported to AWDC SO a serious case of suspected surveillance by a woman who talked her way into a building, took notes, filmed and took pictures with her smartphone, and examined the doors at the entrance. After collecting and analyzing all relevant information, AWDC SO, in cooperation with the respective building and the Antwerp Local Police - Diamond Division, informed all other S-ADA buildings on what had happened and provided the name and pictures of the suspect. It was assumed that the woman would return and try to enter another S-ADA building, therefore the S-ADA buildings were asked to inform their respective guard teams to be on the lookout. Several days later, an alert guard at a S-ADA building recognized the woman at the reception desk. They delayed her and immediately notified AWDC SO and the Antwerp Local Police - Diamond Division. The woman was arrested, questioned, her statements and smartphone checked, and after a 4-hour interrogation she was released with the specific request not to return to the diamond district.

Finally, during March 2015, several S-ADA buildings contacted AWDC SO to report suspicious behavior displayed by visitors and contractors: some tried to gain access with expired passports or IDs, trying to enter without official IDs, misusing bourse member Federation cards, socially engineering guards to let them enter, etc. The security guards and respective building managers were alert and aware and reported these incidents to the AWDC SO and the Antwerp Local Police - Diamond Division, who analyzed and questioned the suspects whenever possible. Access control is one of the pillars in the protection of the Antwerp diamond district.