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Campaign ‘Samen iets ondernemen’ (Promoting Entrepreneurship)

Friday, 23 May, 2014
Public Affairs

In the run-up to the federal elections, the VBO, UNIZO, UCM, Boerenbond, VOKA, UWE en BECI are working together in the framework of the campaign ‘Samen iets ondernemen’ (Promoting Entrepreneurship). By means of this campaign, these organizations aim to highlight the contribution of companies to the prosperity of our country.

There is a lack of knowledge among the general public concerning what companies mean for the prosperity of our country. This knowledge is also lacking among policy makers. The goal of this campaign is to demonstrate to the general public that companies are key to sustaining our prosperity.  It is hoped that through this campaign, the next legislature will support a policy where confidence in entrepreneurs and recognition of their value will be central.

For more information please visit samen iets ondernemen.