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Diamonds & Antwerp on Tour – First Stop: Hong Kong!

Wednesday, 14 September, 2016

The Antwerp World Diamond Centre’s “Diamond Pavilion” at the Hong Kong Jewellery and Gem Fair today was the scene for the world premieres of two new initiatives: AWDC’s “Diamonds & Antwerp, It’s in our DNA” campaign, and HRD Antwerp’s new certificate. 

AWDC’s "Diamonds and Antwerp, It's in our DNA" campaign, first launched in Belgium last June, celebrates Antwerp's diamond history and invites diamond professionals and enthusiasts from around the world to sign a charter that enshrines the principles of the Antwerp diamond trade. 

AWDC spokeswoman Margaux Donckier, addressing an enthusiastic audience that gathered for the international launch, said: “Antwerp and diamonds have been connected for more than 550 years, but this connection is not ancient history. It is living history. Antwerp still is the global quality standard in the diamond industry because of you, the Antwerp diamond dealers. The 10 core principles enshrined in the DNA Charter define the Antwerp diamond industry. They are something we all share. By signing the charter, you will become an ambassador for the Antwerp diamond industry. Even if we are not all from Antwerp, we are united by Antwerp: its principles, traditions and bright future.”

Peter Macken, CEO of HRD Antwerp, then introduced their newly restyled Diamond Grading and Diamond Jewellery Reports: “As an important part of an ongoing rebranding exercise, which started in 2014, we’ve now also updated the visual identity of our Reports. As an HRD Antwerp Diamond Certificate is well known throughout the industry for its blue color, the new design will therefore also predominantly feature the same color so the change will not be too disruptive. Another important change,” he added, “in addition to a brand new design, is that as of October 3 2016, an HRD Antwerp Diamond ‘Certificate’ will be referred to as a ‘Diamond Grading Report’.