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Diamonds for Tomorrowland’s 10-year anniversary

Thursday, 17 July, 2014

The Antwerp festival’s tenth edition will be celebrated with fitting festivities. AWDC took great pleasure in participating in the organization of this event and gave 300 festival participants a unique glance into the diamond world and an exclusive chance to win a diamond.

Most people associate Belgium with chocolate and beer. In order to show the international festival participants that our country has more to offer, more than 300 festivalgoers spent the day in Antwerp. Taking part in a bike tour, they rode through the diamond quarter, they enjoyed Belgian Beer & Chocolate in the Felix Pakhuis with an enormous chocolate fountain, and were given a tour in the MAS diamond pavilion. Their Belgian Journey culminated with a unique diamond cocktail.

According to Margaux Donckier, AWDC spokesperson: “Tomorrowland and the diamond world have more in common than might be apparent at first glance. Globally, both are Belgium’s hallmarks and put Antwerp on the map. Reason enough to cooperate in the framework of the festival’s 10th anniversary.”

Three hundred guests from abroad ended their day on ’t Eilandje in the diamond pavilion. Each guest received a glass of champagne containing a stone and had the opportunity to pose for pictures with the diamond tennis racket and the diamond boots. Upon exiting the pavillion, the stone in each guest’s glass was examined, with the lucky guests leaving for home with an Antwerp diamond.

“Naturally we do not give away diamonds on a daily basis,” said Margaux Donckier, “but we are glad to make an exception for Tomorrowland.  This suits the concept of the festival where the tension is built up, the senses are tickled and one surprise follows another.  A festive and exclusive atmosphere surrounds diamonds, much like that around Tomorrowland. The festivalgoers from abroad will return home as the perfect ambassadors, with a unique story to tell about Tomorrowland and Antwerp, the world’s diamond capital”.