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Last chance to register for the Election Diamond Debate on 5 May

Thursday, 24 April, 2014
Public AffairsEvents

In the run-up to the 2014 federal elections, AWDC, in cooperation with UNIZO, is organizing an Election Diamond Debate. This unique debate will focus on current issues and diamond-related topics and will be followed by a networking reception, taking place at 16:00 in the Beurs voor diamanthandel, in the heart of the diamond sector. Be sure to register now as registration is closing soon!

During this unique event, five Flemish political parties will engage in a discussion moderated by journalist Guy Janssens.

The following political party representatives will participate in the debate:

  • Meyrem Almaci – Groen!
  • Philippe De Backer – Open VLD
  • David Geerts – SP.A
  • Jan Jambon – N-VA
  • Steven Vanackere – CD&V

Registration is mandatory and exclusive to the diamond sector. Places are limited and available based on a first-come first-served basis.

Register here using the code: DiamondDebate