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An excellent 2014 kick-off for the Antwerp diamond trade

Thursday, 27 February, 2014
Diamond data

The monthly import and export figures of the Antwerp diamond trade indicate a very positive start of 2014 for the sector. Import as well as export figures for rough and polished diamonds increased as compared to January of last year.

The trade figures for rough diamonds in the first month of the year indicate a strong increase, as compared to January 2013. The export volume of rough diamonds increased by 22,33% and the import volume increased by 12,51%. In terms of value, this translates to an increase of 27,74% in exports and 21,03% in imports.

In January, and increase in imports of rough diamonds from Botswana and Canada was noted. In addition, the Jagersfontein and Rooiport tenders, both having taken place at the end of January in the Antwerp Diamond Tender Facility,  contributed to the higher import figures of rough diamonds. These figures confirm once again that the active epansion policy of the Antwerp diamond sector is bearing fruit. The second Zimbabwe tender of approximately 1 million carats of rough diamonds, currently taking place and generating great interest, will reinforce this increasing trend in the coming  months. Concerning the export of rough diamonds we note an all around increase, principally to the usual consumer markets India, the United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong.

The trade figures for polished diamonds also illustrate a positive development in comparison with last year. The volume of exported polished diamonds increased by 6,59%, which translates to a value increase of 9,69%. The import numbers were even more positive, with a 9,18%  increase in volume and value increase of 13,79%.

More polished diamonds were imported in January from the United States, India and Israel. In terms of export of polished diamonds we see a decrease to the United States but an increas in polished goods to Israel, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates. We also note an increase in the export of polished diamonds to EU countries Italy, France and the United Kingdom. For more information on the figures please see our website .