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False alarms do not exist!

Tuesday, 3 June, 2014

A large number of electronic security measures are installed at the buildings and offices located within the Antwerp Diamond Square Mile: access control systems, intrusion detection systems, video surveillance systems (CCTV), fire detection systems, etc. Ensuring a professional concept, guaranteeing the correct installation by a registered alarm installing company, applying an in-depth knowledge and proper use of these systems, as well as recurrent maintenance and interventions in case of problems, provide you with a high level of security and decrease the frequency and impact of so-called ‘false alarms’.

The term ‘false alarm’ refers to alarm systems in many different applications being triggered by something other than the expected trigger-event. When a sensor operates, it is hardly false, and it is usually a true indication of the present state of the sensor.

‘False alarms’ can be very annoying to the neighborhood, the alarm monitoring center, the security guards, the occupants and the emergency services. In addition they can lead to loss of time, resources, money, awareness and even to fines.

When we say ‘False alarms do not exist’ we actually mean that the alarm signals are an indication that the system may not have been properly set-up or installed by the alarm installing companies, not adequately used by the occupants, not maintained by the occupants or the alarm installing companies or it might be an indication that in fact something worse is going on, for example: sabotage during an actual burglary.

Precedents have shown that criminals have fatigued owners, occupants, security guards and police services by specifically triggering multiple alarms within a limited time window in order to provoke the targets to partially or fully deactivate their systems.

AWDC SO recommends not taking false alarms lightly. They really should be responded to timely and professionally. All ‘false alarms’ should be analyzed and investigated in order to determine the true nature of the alarm. The search for the nature(s) is an important one, and should not be discarded. Once the exact nature is identified, actions should be considered and implemented to remedy the problem swiftly. Your alarm installing company can assist you in this matter.

In addition AWDC SO recommends all buildings and offices to check and communicate a list of three points of contacts and review guard, alarm monitoring center operator procedures at least once per year. For the police it is important that the building/office owner or his designate is reachable and is able to come to the site quickly in the event of an alarm.