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Identify your supplier when payments are cash

Tuesday, 18 March, 2014
CSR & Compliance

The Royal Decree of 7 October 2013 prescribes that diamond dealers are required to determine the identity of his diamond supplier if the transaction takes place in payments made in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, in cash.

You can determine the identity of your supplier through the following web page: Should your supplier pay the full transaction price via bank transfer, you are not required to verify his identity.

Below you can find the relevant article:

“Art. 3 §2. A diamond dealer must establish and verify the identity of a diamond supplier or, where appropriate, its agent when purchasing transactions result in payments made in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, other than by means of transfers to bank accounts held with credit institutions as provided in article 10, § 1, 1° of the law.”

For the full text of the Royal Decree, please refer to: