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Looking for an intern? Be sure to come to the Stedelijk Lyceum’s Open Days!

Thursday, 4 December, 2014

In cooperation with AWDC and the Diamond Industry Trust, the ‘Stedelijk Lyceum Meir’ is organizing open days on 11 and 12 December for companies who are looking for interns. The open days provide companies with the opportunity to get acquainted with students who are in their 6th or 7th year of diamond processing and get to see them at work.

The open days will be held in HRD Antwerp’s polishing classroom (Hoveniersstraat 22) from 9am to 12pm. Yves Bollekens (sector consultant), Wim Van Den Wijngaert (teacher) and Lydia Seghers (Technical Advisor of the Stedelijk Lyceum Meir) will be happy to receive you and provide you with the necessary information. AWDC and Stedelijk Lyceum Meir are looking for seven students 3-week internships, starting 26 January and ending 13 February.

For more information and registration, companies are kindly asked to send an email to before 10 December.