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AWDC organizes level 2 AML & Compliance seminars

Tuesday, 13 May, 2014
CSR & Compliance

Starting today, diamond companies, which have already attended an AML & Compliance seminar, can register for the level 2 follow-up course, organized by AWDC starting 23 June.

During these dedicated training seminars we will actively implement the Client Acceptance Policy in real life case studies.  The seminar will allow you to implement an effective and efficient AML program within your company.  These level 2 sessions are organized for smaller groups and will take place on 23 June at 10 am, 17 July at 10 am and 28 July at 2 pm.

Please note that places are limited. You can register here, using the code AMLsem.
We inform you that if you have registered but are unable to join us and omit to notify us in advance, you will be charged a cancellation fee of €100.