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- 21/03/2013 -
Antwerp diamond industry partner for first diamond mine in Quebec Thursday, 21 March, 2013 Public Affairs

Kris Peeters, minister president of Flanders, and Ari Epstein, CEO of AWDC, discussed the possibilities regarding the first diamond mine in Quebec, Canada, with Stornoway, the company in charge of this project. Stornoway prefers to trade the diamonds through the Antwerp market. “ We hope to obtain solid trade relationships and a positive outcome for both parties”, said Peeters. 

Stornoway, a listed company of which the Government of Quebec is the main shareholder, obtained all the necessary permits to start with project “Renard”. First production is scheduled for July 2015. The mine is located 850 km North of Quebec and is estimated to provide 2 million carats on average yearly, over the next decade. Because the expected quality of the diamonds is very high, the estimated yearly revenue would approach approximately 328 million USD.

“The exploration of the first diamond mine is an important step forward for Quebec”, said Epstein. The highest level of professionalism is vital for the outcome of this project. Antwerp can bow on 550 years of diamond heritage, a wealth of expertise and no less than 1800 registered diamond companies;”, said Epstein, who emphasized that Antwerp can ensure the best possible return for the Québec diamonds.

80 percent of all rough diamonds worldwide and 50 percent of all polished diamonds worldwide were traded through Antwerp. The turnover of the Antwerp diamond industry equaled 51,9 billion dollar in 2012.

- 14/03/2013 -
Hong Kong show March was a success Thursday, 14 March, 2013 Events

From March 5th – 9th, AWDC set up an Antwerp Diamond Pavilion at the Hong Kong International Jewelery Show. 59 Antwerp Diamond companies were represented in our pavilion. AWDC had a meeting with HKTDC to negotiate conditions for the pavilion for the next years. During this meeting, HKTDC presented their new concept for the show in 2014.

The main difference with this years show will be the location. In 2014 the show will be split up in two separate venues: the Convention centre, which is the current location, and the Asia World Expo (close to the airport). All loose stones, which includes the Antwerp Diamond Pavilion, will be relocated to the AWE, and the jewelery will stay at the Convention centre. AWE will start 2 days earlier than the Convention centre; each show will last for 5 days.

Because we value your opinion and expertise, we want to ask for your help. Please send your thoughts and concerns to, so we can negotiate the best possible conditions for our pavilion.

- 14/03/2013 -
Last chance to register for ‘Antwerp 10 miles’ Thursday, 14 March, 2013 Events

On Sunday April 21st the ‘Antwerp Diamond Team’ will participate in the ‘Antwerp 10 miles’. This is your last chance to register. Registration closes on March 20th so register now via

AWDC will pay the participation fee and participants receive a free and unique Antwerp Diamond Team T-Shirt. You can choose to run 5 km, 10 miles (16 km) or the marathon (42 km).

If you don’t feel like running, you can always visit our AWDC tent and support our Antwerp Diamond Team!

See you there!

- 14/03/2013 -
Antwerp diamond industry at SID-in fair Thursday, 14 March, 2013 Events, Jobs

From March 14 – 16, the SID-in fair takes place in Antwerp. Like every year, the Antwerp diamond industry is one of the many participants. Together with the ‘Fonds of Diamantnijverheid’ and ‘HRD Education’, AWDC makes sure there is plenty information about the industry and our polishing courses.

The student counselling centres of the Flemish Government and the ‘Agentschap voor Onderwijscommunicatie’ organize the SID-in fair every year in all 5 Flemish provinces. At the SID-in fair, students who are about to finish secondary school can find a lot of information about all their possibilities after graduating.  


- 14/03/2013 -
New AWDC initiative in Shanghai Thursday, 14 March, 2013 Events

From May 10th – 13th the AWDC Antwerp Diamond Pavilion will participate for the first time in the Jewelery Shanghai 2013 trade fair.  This initiative is made possible in close cooperation with Shanghai Diamond Exchange, GAC, HRD Antwerp and the Belgian Consulate in Shanghai.

AWDC offers you a 4 day program at a competitive price of €6500. This program includes a standard booth in the Antwerp Diamond Pavilion (9m2), participation in the Antwerp Diamond Night - an exclusive networking opportunity with Chinese buyers - on May 11th and a Meet and Greet with Chinese VVIP buyers on May 12th which includes a speed date session at the show venue and an exclusive cocktail reception at the Belgian Consulate in Shanghai. Furthermore, costs include a Chinese translator and promotion for the Antwerp Diamond Pavilion.

Allotment for participation will take place on Monday March 18th at 11 am, AWDC -1. Please confirm your presence by e-mail via

- 07/03/2013 -
Strategic cooperation between Chinese NGTC and HRD Antwerp Thursday, 7 March, 2013 Public Affairs, Events

Last December, HRD Antwerp sealed a historic agreement of cooperation with the Chinese National Gems & Jewelry Technology Administrative Center (NGTC). Both institutions will join forces in investing in research and development, education and diamond grading.

The cooperation between NGTC and HRD Antwerp shows the commitment of both institutes to invest in research and education and further develop the expertise in diamond grading. Both sides will take their technical advantages to cooperatively study and tackle the problems about theory and practice of classification in special color. Meanwhile, NGTC will synchronously use the Lumisense (colour grading instrument) from HRD Antwerp to make the diamond colour to be more objective and unanimous.

The agreement was signed last December, in the presence of Ms Ke Jie, Director of NGTC, Mr Bi Lijun, Vice Director of the Ministry of Land and Resources Gems & Jewellery Technical Management Centre and Mr Georges Brys, General Manager of HRD Antwerp.

In the Chinese diamond market, NGTC is an authority in gem research, technology, jewellery trading and appraisal of jewellery.  HRD Antwerp from their part is an authority in the Belgian and global diamond industry, famed for its highly reputable diamond grading lab, high technological equipment, research and in-house expertise.

George Brys: “This agreement will help the public to better understand the unique characteristics of diamonds. Customers will benefit from it, as certificates will become more transparent. By combining the research efforts of both HRD Antwerp and NGTC, diamond certificates will more than ever, be the proof of ultimate confidence for the customer”.

- 07/03/2013 -
Antwerp Diamond Pavilion at IIJS SIGNATURE Show in Mumbai Thursday, 7 March, 2013 Events

From February 20th – 25th AWDC set up an Antwerp Diamond Pavilion at the 6th edition of the annual IIJS Signature fair, organized by the Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council of India (GJEPC) in Mumbai, India. It was a success.

Exhibitors were given the opportunity to meet with people from around the globe. Amongst them were CEO’s of the most important jewellery companies, governmental organizations, prospective buyers …

During the fair, AWDC promoted Antwerp as leader in the global diamond industry by informing visitors about the unique business climate and expertise that characterizes the Antwerp diamond industry.

If you are interested to participate in one of the Antwerp Diamond Pavilions, please click here for more information.

More information about market trends in India can be found in “The global diamond industry, portrait of growth”, recently published by AWDC in collaboration with Bain & Company.

- 21/02/2013 -
High-level Meeting diamond Thursday, 21 February, 2013 Public Affairs

On February 20th, a high-level meeting on diamond took place. The city of Antwerp, the Province of Antwerp and the diamond industry discussed their shared projects and current diamond affairs.

Following issues were discussed:

• Antwerp ITCCO
• Mobility and liveability in the diamond square mile
• Security
• Quality label
• Studies direct employment and economical impact diamond
• Diamond polishing course
• Diamond museum and visitors centre
• Other issues

This high-level meeting is a unique opportunity to discuss and coordinate various projects with important partners as the City and the Province. Thanks to this, our future cooperation’s will be more efficient and our current projects will be concluded in a mutual beneficial way.
