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Alain Zlayet


  • Name: Alain Zlayet
  • Company Name: Zlayet and Sons Diamonds bv
  • Years of Involvement in the Trade: since 1994
  • Your Age: 52
  • I am father to three wonderful girls!



What are your three priorities within the board, and how would you approach them?

As a board member of the Antwerpsche Diamantkring I’ve actively been contributing to our community by developing the Antwerp Rough Diamond Days and the Antwerp Diamond Sessions. I’m a founding member of the Young Diamantaires, a brilliant initiative where we provide a platform to the future leaders of our trade across the world.

My first priority will be to give a voice to the smaller companies in Antwerp as well as the brokers. I experience the everyday problems we all face on a daily basis. I know the concerns of the single professional and what challenges we need to address.

Secondly, I want to encourage close cooperation with the city of Antwerp through for example the subsidies they provide regarding innovation and I would involve the City in much needed marketing initiatives.

Thirdly, I think it is essential that the board should work closely together as a unified team so we can improve the Antwerp diamond sector in many fields. 


As representatives of a segment of the market, how would you stay in touch with your constituents/voters?

Being elected means that the work and communication as a board member starts from day one. I want to engage with all diamantaires and will support initiatives like debates, town hall meetings, etc. That’s why I’m happy to participate in any pre-election debates organized by AWDC or any other organization.  


What are Antwerp's assets?

For me, the key asset of Antwerp is the people! We are a melting pot of different communities and origins. We all bring added value and influences to the table. The international aspect of our city opens the door to every culture and each can find something they recognize and makes them feel at home. We all love living here and our quality of life with the excellent and affordable health care, education,…  cannot be compared to any other place.


What is the best-kept secret of Antwerp?

The best kept secret of Antwerp is that we have been historically the most important diamond center for over 500 years. We have the reputation and traditions of the trade at heart and are the initiators of innovation and ethical business across the Diamond world. It all starts here.