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Amit Arunbhai Shah

  • Name: Amit Arunbhai Shah
  • Company Name: A.C. Diam
  • Years of Involvement in the Trade: more than 25 years.


What are your three priorities within the board, and how would you approach them?

In my opinion, the Antwerp diamond industry faces many challenges, mainly related to the global changes the international diamond industry is facing. Positive change and sustainable growth are very important to me and I think the next four years will be critical for the Antwerp diamond industry. A “now or never” approach will be needed to meet all the challenges.

Priorities for me fall into a few categories: everything to do with trading in Antwerp in an easy and efficient way, for all players in the industry. Solutions to the banking problem and a fair and equitable carat tax are part of that. I also think transparency is very important, to small, medium and large diamond companies alike. Finally, communication is a very important topic, through marketing campaigns about the valuable product that diamonds are, to local authorities and stakeholders and to the general public. In this way, we must try to boost the image of the entire diamond industry.

As representatives of a segment of the market, how would you stay in touch with your constituents/voters?

My focus will begin with a constant communication and united approach towards all common goals. I think the improvement of the management of the elected members as well as the AWDC team is very important. Additionally, I believe that transparency with all industry players is from utmost importance. One of my ideas is to organize webinars to get people engaged and informed. People should me motivated to participate, and that can made possible by the set up of a advisory board. This board may address different topics, like the banking file, G7 regulations, marketing of beneficiation polished through Antwerp and many more essential aspects. Finally I think that reporting and giving feedback is crucial and brainstorm sessions within the management team and board might be the solution.

What are Antwerp's assets?

Today, Antwerp positions itself as the world’s most ethical and transparent diamond center.
I believe that with long-term vision and commitment of all industry players we can achieve that Antwerp stays the Diamond Capital city of Belgium. It is a city we all love and that is of great importance for the international trade of diamonds.