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AD Tender - Firestone Diamonds November 2013 Diamond Tender

Thursday, 24 October, 2013

It is with great pleasure that you are invited by First Element to attend the Firestone Diamonds November 2013 Diamond Tender. Production from Liqhobong Mine in Lesotho will be shown on the tender.

The tender will be held in the Antwerp Diamond Tender Facility, AWDC Building, Hoveniersstraat 22, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium.

The viewing will take place from Tuesday the 12th of November 2013 to Monday the 18th of November 2013 from 09:30 to 18:00 on each day (excl. weekends).

The Tender will close at 15:00 on Monday the 18th of November 2013.

Bookings will be taken from Monday the 21st of October 2013.

For bookings, please contact Edward Wilkes on the following:
Mobile: 00267 71200782
Landline: 00267 3105307

The full list of diamonds will be made available shortly before the tender. First Element will not be held liable for any delays.