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Increase business and create cash-flow with D2D barter exchange

Thursday, 14 November, 2013

The Beurs Voor Diamanthandel launches its "D2D DIAMOND BARTER EXCHANGE" initiative at the Antwerp Diamond Manufacturers & Traders Fair, on November 26th 2013.

The D2D Barter exchange is designed to facilitate Bourse members exchanging stocks of polished and rough in settlement of transactions.

Participants in the Fair can ask for a sign 'READY TO BARTER' for their desk, indicating they are willing to barter.

Exhibitors should email: if they wish to be allocated a 'READY TO BARTER' sign.

There will be a stand at the Fair with information on the D2D Barter initiative.

Historically, barter trade was a key component of global trade, indeed in earlier times it was the principal medium of commercial exchange. Whilst cash replaced barter for the greatest part of commerce, barter can still be effective today for increasing sales and facilitating trade.

In past years, especially after the Second World War, barter was used to regenerate the Antwerp diamond trade. Today, having recourse to a transaction-lite mechanism can free up liquidity and expand business for diamond traders.

Establishing the Antwerp D2D BARTER EXCHANGE increases the range of services offered by the Antwerp Diamond Bourse to the Antwerp and the international diamond industry.