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Export rough diamonds increased in November

Friday, 20 December, 2013
Diamond data

The monthly import and export figures of the Antwerp diamond trade indicate November was, in general, a rather good month for rough trade. The figures of polished diamonds show a slight decrease compared to November last year.

The figures of rough diamonds were very positive in november, especially the export figures. The exported volume of rough diamonds rose 38.78% compared to November 2012. In value terms, this translates into an increase of 23.44%. This is mainly due to the increasing demand from India, which is the most important destination for rough diamonds from Antwerp.

The import figures of rough diamonds show a drop of 3.95% in volume and a decrease of 1.35% in value.

When we take a look at the traded volume of polished diamonds in November, we see a decrease of 2.98% exported carat and a drop of 9.99% imported carat compared to last year. In value terms, this translates into a smaller drop of respectively 1.23% and 3.05%.


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