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Did you remember to submit the annual Anti-Money Laundering declaration?

Tuesday, 15 April, 2014
CSR & Compliance

The deadline for the submission of the Annual Anti-Money Laundering declaration has passed on 31 March. If you did not yet submit the Anti-Money Laundering declaration, we suggest you do so as soon as possible.

Every registered Belgian diamond dealer is legally obliged to fully complete the Annual Anti-Money Laundering declaration every year and send it back to the FPS Economy- License Service (you can also leave it at the AWDC reception-desk).  This year’s deadline for submission was 31 March. Since the submission of the declaration is a legal obligation, you are at risk of an administrative fine between 250 EUR and 1.250.000 EUR, in case of failing to submit the declaration.

If you need help completing the declaration or would like more information about your legal obligations with respect to Anti-Money Laundering, please do not hesitate to call us, or make an appointment with the AWDC AML & Compliance Helpdesk.

Marijke Achten
Legal & compliance officer AWDC
03 222 05 06 or

Trissia Stavropoulos
Head of Legal/Compliance & HR
03 222 05 03 or