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Antwerp trade figures holding steady

Tuesday, 29 April, 2014
Diamond data

Following superb figures in January and February, March import and export figures of the Antwerp diamond sector continue to hold steady.

March data indicates an improvement in rough figures as compared to 2013, with a 10% rise in the import volume of rough diamonds, which translates to a 13% boost in value. Exports of rough goods also show growth, with an increase of 5%.

In terms of polished trade, although the total volume of this month’s exports declined by 13% as compared to March 2013, the total value rose by 9%.

A significant upturn of exports to Switzerland is a reflection of shipments to Baselworld, to the tune of a 124% increase in volume, yielding a 239% rise in value as compared to 2013. Data also shows Italy performing well, with an 88% jump in volume and a 94% boost in value, year-on-year.

The decrease in the export of polished goods to Hong Kong relates to the Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem and Pearl Show, which took place in March, with large shipments sent to the fair in February.

The total figure for imports of polished diamonds this month surpassed that of February, with a 187 000 increase in carats, equaling $554 097 272. Compared to 2013, a slight decrease of 4% was noticed in carats, but a 15% increase in value.

The figures for polished imports from India, UAE, Israel and Russia, saw a rise as compared to 2013, with India and UAE leading the pack.

For more information on the figures please refer to our website.