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Save the date: Antwerp Diamond Networking Event – Kuala Lumpur & Singapore

Friday, 23 May, 2014

AWDC has the pleasure to invite you to participate in three unique networking events organized in the framework of the Princely Mission to Malaysia and Singapore from 22 until 29 November 2014.

As a registered Antwerp diamond company, you have the opportunity to take part in this Princely Mission, in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Belgium.

A draft programme of the Princely Mission is available via this link .

During the two networking events, participating companies will get a unique chance to expand and strengthen their trade relations.

The AD Networking Events include a Meet & Greet with local jewellers, retailers and representatives of the diamond sector in Malaysia and Singapore, followed by a networking reception.

The event in Kuala Lumpur takes place on 25 November, directly followed by the event in Singapore on 26 November. An exclusive Antwerp Diamond Night will also be organized in Singapore, in the presence of Belgian and local high-level officials and representatives of the diamond and jewellery sector in Singapore.

Would you like to take part in this Princely Mission? Please register with Flanders Investment & Trade via this link.

More information regarding AWDC events in the framework of this Princely Mission will follow in due course.