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Expanded Antwerp Diamond Pavilion at the HK International Jewellery Show in September

Thursday, 4 September, 2014

AWDC is delighted to announce expansion of the Antwerp Diamond Pavilion at the Hong Kong International Jewellery Show in September. With three additional companies coming on board, no less than 99 Antwerp diamond companies will be exhibiting their goods.

The Hong Kong Jewellery and Gem Fair in September is by far the largest show of its kind in Asia and beyond. With over 3,600 exhibitors from 48 countries, over 52,000 buyers from around the world and 135,000 square meters of exhibition space, it’s the biggest trade fair for the gem and jewelry industry in the world. As it’s definitely a must attend event for the Antwerp diamond companies, AWDC traditionally sets up a large pavilion at the Hong Kong September show. Demand for participation in our pavilion keeps growing year after year.

“We are very proud to announce the Antwerp Diamond Pavilion is expanding yet again this year, with no less than 99 participating companies on 1,700 square meters of exhibition space. The companies will showcase, as they do every year, the wide variety of high-quality diamonds for which the Belgian industry is known. The Antwerp exhibitors are ready to meet your every demand, offering you the highest quality diamonds you can imagine. Antwerp combines excellence, tradition and high standards; all aspects which can add brilliance to your business”, said Margaux Donckier, spokesperson of AWDC.

With 99 participating companies, the Antwerp Diamond Pavilion in the September show is the biggest pavilion of the year; which underlines the importance of this show and makes it a must-attend event on the trade fair calendar.