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Win the “Export Lion (De Leeuw van de Export)” Award together with us

Thursday, 12 February, 2015
Leeuw van de Export

Every year, Flanders Investment and Trade organizes the “Export Lion” Award, a competition for Flemish export companies that have distinguished themselves in this regard. As the world's largest diamond trading hub, with annual turnover of more than 52 billion euro, we represent 5% of Belgium's total exports and 10% of Flanders’ exports. The fact that we are one of the most important export sectors in Flanders and Belgium is something we can be proud of.

Therefore, we encourage you to join the AWDC by participating in this competition. There are two categories: ‘small enterprises’ and ‘medium/large enterprises’. An award will be presented for each category: the “Export Lion”.

This competition is a unique opportunity for the Antwerp diamond industry to rightfully gain attention for being a true economic heavyweight in Flanders and Belgium.

All relevant information is available at: If you have any questions concerning your application (which must be filled out in Dutch), please do not hesitate to contact us. We will gladly assist you in promoting our industry!

Participate in the “Export Lion” and show you are proud to represent the Antwerp diamond industry!