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Starting today … Free Wi-Fi in the diamond district!

Wednesday, 25 March, 2015

As of today you will be able to access Wi-Fi for free in the diamond district. Thanks to the joint efforts of the AWDC, HRD Antwerp, Malca-Amit, AB-DC and Blue Wave Marketing – the company responsible for developing and installing the “Free Diamond Wi-Fi Network” – you are now able to surf at will, quickly, wirelessly and free of charge, in the Schupstraat, Rijfstraat, Vestingstraat and Hoveniersstraat.

The AWDC, HRD Antwerp, Malca-Amit and AB-DC entered into this partnership in order to be of better service to you and to make sure that you can communicate more smoothly. Fast and smooth communication is of crucial importance in an international environment such as the diamond industry. This demands a free, wireless, fast (200 Mb transfer) and safe Internet connection.

It is very easy to connect with the network. Open the various Wi-Fi options on your smartphone and select “Diamond Free Wi-Fi”. You will automatically be sent to the landing page of one of the partners in this project. Then you are immediately free to go surfing. You do not even need to login. Furthermore, you only have to select a network the first time. The next time you visit the diamond district you will be connected automatically.

4 hotspots are available: in the Vestingstraat, the Rijfstraat, the Hoveniersstraat and at the corner of the Schupstraat and the Hoveniersstraat.

More info:

Marc Gryspeerdt: + 32 475 711 222