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220 people to run with the Antwerp Diamond Team this Sunday

Thursday, 23 April, 2015

This Sunday marks the 30th edition of the Antwerp Ten Miles. It is one of the most important sporting events in Antwerp and motivates tens of thousands of people to participate every year. 220 people from the diamond industry have signed up to join AWDC’s Antwerp Diamond Team. Come and cheer them on this Sunday!

The route and the atmosphere of the Antwerp Ten Miles are unique. The participants run through the Kennedy and Waasland Tunnels alongside 30,000 other enthusiasts, encouraged by tens of thousands of supporters. Those who are not running with them can come and support our Antwerp Diamond Team, or can pay a visit to the AWDC booth. It will be on the Charles De Costerlaan in Linkeroever and is number 17. Our booth is located near the DJ.


11:00  Chiquita Kids Run 1.4 km (4 - 12 years)

12:00  DVV Antwerp Short Run 5 km

13:00 New Balance Ladies Run 5 km

15.00 DVV Antwerp 10 Miles (Start in 3 waves at 15:00, 15:30 and 16:00)