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City of Antwerp launches free guide map ‘Antwerp loves diamonds’

Thursday, 7 May, 2015

To showcase the brilliant story of diamonds in Antwerp, the city launches a new guide map: ‘Antwerp loves diamonds’. The map provides an overview of historic and contemporary venues, as well as unique tips and useful information about purchasing diamond jewellery and the addresses of the jewellers that obtained the ‘Antwerp’s Most Brilliant’ quality label. The new guide allows everybody visiting the city to discover the magical world of diamonds in Antwerp at his or her own pace.

‘Antwerp loves diamonds’ guides visitors through the fascinating story of diamonds in Antwerp. The new initiative provides an overview of all historical and contemporary venues related to the sparkling stones. In addition, the guide map is completed with interesting and fun facts and figures. For example, did you know Rubens had a special bond with diamonds? According to legend, the famous painter even accepted diamonds as means of payment for his priceless works of art.

Furthermore, the map gives advice on what consumers need to know when buying diamond jewellery and guides city visitors to the ‘Antwerp Most Brilliant’ jewellers. Through this label, Antwerp further reinforces its reputation as the city of choice to buy quality jewellery.

The map is available in four languages and is available freely at the tourist information desks in the Antwerp Central Railway Station and the Grote Markt.

‘Antwerp loves diamonds’ is an initiative of the Antwerp City PR department to strengthen the image of the Antwerp diamond industry and to further develop diamonds as a tourist draw in. The Flemish tourism agency “Tourism Flanders”, considers the Antwerp-diamond link an important USP (Unique Selling Proposition) in its approach towards international tourism. That is why they granted the City of Antwerp the necessary funding to develop and produce the map and in addition a dedicated “Antwerp loves diamonds” app, to be launched in June. Similarly to the guide map, the app will interactively guide visitors through the more than five and a half centuries of Antwerp diamond heritage.

You can find the map below.