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Antwerp diamond industry well represented at the Hong Kong June show

Thursday, 18 June, 2015

The Hong Kong Jewelry and Gem Fair will take place from 25 to 28 June. It is the last important show before the entire diamond industry goes into summer recess. Like every year, the Antwerp diamond industry will be present in large numbers. 81 Antwerp diamond companies will be represented in the Antwerp Diamond Pavilion.

With its track record of excellence, the June Fair attracts thousands of buyers from over 100 countries and regions, who are ready to replenish their inventories. It’s a unique opportunity to expand your business in one of the fastest growing regions in the world.

Like every year, the Antwerp Diamond Pavilion is the place to be. There you will find Antwerp’s finest assets, combining excellence, tradition, high standards and the best service.

Visit the Antwerp Diamond Pavilion in Hall 3D and the mezzanine in the Convention Centre, Wanchai, Hong Kong.