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Commissioning of barrier Rijfstraat / start of road works in the Schupstraat

Thursday, 2 June, 2016

Dear diamantair

We hereby inform you with regards to the remodelling of the security entrance in the diamond district:

  • Monday 6th of June the barrier zone in the Rijfstraat will definitively be taken into service and the road works will start at the entrance of the Schupstraat.
  • As of that moment until mid-September (estimate) all traffic from the diamond district will access the diamond district in and out through the Rijfstraat
  • Access to the Schupstraat will remain available for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Access to the area for motor vehicles during the road works will have to occur through the Korte Herentalsestraat – Lange Herentalsestraat- Vestingstraat- Rijfstraat. (see map in attachment)
  • The local Antwerp police department at the entrance of the Rijfstraat will have a temporary office to be able to conduct the necessary controls and provide the needed services.
  • Do not forget to inform your suppliers about this temporary situation.
  • Please note: preparatory and structural works will commence at the Vestingstraat in the near future. We are currently in discussion with the City of Antwerp and LPA on this matter, more information will follow.

During the road works the following changes have to be kept in mind:

  • Traffic that leaves the area has priority to traffic that wishes to enter the area
  • Parking is solely allowed on the side of the uneven house numbers and with the front of the vehicle in the direction of the Rijfstraat.

For the use of the new installation with the barrier, the following guidelines need to be respected:

  • In order to avoid accidents, the strip which is meant for motor vehicles cannot be used by pedestrians, scooters and cyclists
  • Every vehicle has to stop before the barrier, drivers are required to show their entrance card and scan their fingerprint or wait for the police to open the barrier.
  • The traffic lights at the barrier must be respected at all times.
  • Connecting to and following the previous vehicle without using the card or without waiting for the police to service the barrier is not allowed.
  • The vehicle has to remain still as long as the barrier is in movement.

The implementation of this new barrier zone at the Rijfstraat is new for everybody and is part of a highly complex environment. Despite proper preparations and tests we will need to take into account  that technical and operational matters can occur which could cause nuisance and slowdowns. We ask for your patience and understanding for this situation, knowing that the new constellation is being built to facilitate safer and smoother access to the diamond district.

We hope we can count on your cooperation and are always at your service for any additional information you might require.

AWDC Security Office, +32 3 222 05 72,