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Okavango Diamond Company officially open for business

Wednesday, 18 September, 2013

On September 17th, His Excellency the President, Lieutenant General Seretse Khama Ian Khama officially launched Okavago Diamond Company (ODC) in Gaborone, Botswana. ODC’s launch follows a successful pilot sale held in July and signals that the company has formally opened its doors to the global diamond market.

In his keynote speech, His Excellency stated: “ODC’s establishment will allow us to share the best of Botswana to the many international business men and women who will arrive here to buy Botswana’s rough diamonds.”

ODC provides the global diamond industry with access to scale supply of a full range of Botswana’s diamonds at market determined prices. The company will hold regular sales via its customized online auction platform, following viewings of its diamonds at its purpose built facility in Gaborone. Recognizing the value to customers of committed and predictable supply, ODC also plans to introduce fixed term supply contracts in 2014.

ODC’s Board Chairman, Jacob Thamage: “ODC’s establishment will help transform Botswana into a leading rough diamond sourcing destination. We are proud to be opening our doors and we look forward to welcoming customers from across the world to participate in our sales.”

ODC’s inaugural sale will start on September 23rd with viewings running for two weeks, culminating in an online auction on October 9th. Any company that is involved in the diamond supply chain and wishes to become a customer of ODC is invited to visit the ODC website, where you can find more information about the registration process.