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Pieter Bombeke winner in contest ‘Ambacht in de kijker’

Thursday, 20 February, 2014

Master polisher Pieter Bombeke is one of the winners of a contest ‘Ambacht in de kijker’ that focuses on craftsmanship. This national contest aims to promote the crafts industry and to encourage young people to pursue a career as craftsman. 12 winners were chosen out of 263 candidates

‘Ambacht in de kijker’ is an annual contest. The organization, together with various public and private partners, chooses 12 laureates that are considered successful in terms of quality and originality of the product, their career in general and their management and marketing skills.

Pieter Bombeke is a third generation diamond professional as a master polisher with over 40 years of experience as a master polisher. Apart from mastering the skill of polishing diamonds to perfection, Bombeke is renowned for designing new diamond cuts with special optical effects.