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Quick and easy identification of your Belgian clients

Tuesday, 18 March, 2014
CSR & Compliance

Is your client a registered Belgian diamond dealer? Identify him using the following website:

On 7 October 2013 the new Royal Decree on diamond dealers was published. Article 4 § 2 of this decree determines that, if your client or supplier is a Belgian registered diamond dealer, you can identify him by referring to the following website:  You are only required to print out the identification found on the website and keep it in on-file. Other documents, such as a passport scan or the statues are no longer required.

For suppliers, these rules are only applicable with respect to cash payments. For more information, please click here.

Below you can find the applicable article:

“Art. 4 §2. A diamond dealer identifies his client or diamond supplier (and with regard to the latter only in the case of payments in cash) and their agents as follows:
1° If the client or supplier is a registered diamond dealer, via or by means of a search on the website of the Belgian Databank of companies (Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen,, where more extensive information is available.’

For the full text of the Royal Decree, please see the following: