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S-ADA Security Awareness Briefing

Wednesday, 15 April, 2015

!! New!! With the S-ADA Security Awareness briefing, AWDC Security Office announces its newest monthly meeting for the benefit of CEOs, GMs and diamond brokers.


• Presentation of the services provided by AWDC SO to all involved in the Antwerp diamond district.
• Presentation and visualization of risks, incidents and their impact.
• Recommendation and description of effective security measures.

The next briefing is scheduled on Thursday 23 April from 9 AM until 10 PM in the Lounge of the AWDC building on the 9th floor.

Registrations are based on the 'first come, first served’ principle and up to 10 people can participate. This briefing is free of charge, but anyone unable to attend and failing to notify us prior to the start of the briefing, may be charged a cancellation fee of 50 euro (excl. taxes).

If you wish to register, please send an email with your name, company name, mobile number and preferred participation date to