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School project

For over 570 years, Antwerp has been the most important diamond trade center in the world. To introduce school children in the broader Antwerp region to this fascinating diamond story, AWDC and AP Hogeschool collaborated and created a diamond-themed syllabus. In a fun and playful manner, children aged 10 and 12 learn all about diamonds and the unique connection with the City of Antwerp.

The syllabus consists of basic chapters and theme chapters. The basic syllabus includes six chapters discussing the basics about diamonds and Antwerp. The theme chapters are optional chapters that give extra information about the diamond industry and the cultural aspects of this multinational and fascinating business. Both the theme chapters and the basic chapters include a mix of theory and practical exercises for the teachers and the children.

The content of this syllabus is tailor-made to the fourth, fifth and sixth grade elementary school level. The tasks have been adapted to their level and meet the learning criteria set out for this age group.

The first 50 schools that download the syllabus will receive a complimentary “diamond toolbox” free of charge. This toolbox contains fun gadgets for each child, such as a ruler, a pencil and a sticker and a few diamond specific tools such as a zirconia stone (diamond simulant), a loupe, tweezers etc. which can be used during class. The toolbox will also be available for others for 25€ (VAT incl).

Have we convinced you to take part in this brilliant project?!

For further questions, you can always e-mail to or call 03/222.05.04.

Kind regards

The Communication team of AWDC

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