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Strong rough trade streak continues in Antwerp

Wednesday, 2 July, 2014
Diamond data

The month of May continued the positive streak of this year in rough trading, that is, an improved performance as compared to 2013. We notice a slight decline in imports of polished goods this month, largely due to the decrease of stones coming in from the USA, Israel and Switzerland.

The rough trade continues to do well in May and therefore is in line with the first four months of the year. As compared to May 2013, this year’s figures show increases in volume and value for both import and export of rough diamonds. In terms of the former, we note an 11% rise in volume to 7,38 million carats and a 12% increase in value to 1,18 billion USD. Exports increased by 8,72% to 8,94 million carats and amounted to 1,29 billion USD.

May’s slight dip in the import of polished diamonds as compared to last year can be largely attributed to the decrease of imports from three countries, namely the USA, Israel and Switzerland. In terms of Switzerland, last year, the goods from the Basel show returned in May, while this year diamonds returned in April, therefore explaining the relative decrease of imported goods in May 2014. Exports and import to China also show a slight decline, following a strong month of April.

For more information on the figures please refer to our website