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Sustainability report now also available in English

Thursday, 24 July, 2014
CSR & CompliancePublic Affairs

The initiative to publish a sustainability report is part of a broader vision in which transparency and sustainability are paramount. This idea has been part of AWDC’s long-term strategy for several years.

Ari Epstein, CEO AWDC: "This sustainability report is a translation of our efforts concerning sustainability, but also the first building block of a structured approach towards the future. At the same time, we as a representative of the Antwerp diamond companies and by extension the global diamond sector want to set an example and inspire others to adopt  sustainable business practices."

Ari Epstein thanked Governor Cathy Berx extensively for her support and leadership in the context of the Master Plan 2020, which initiated this sustainability report.

The report was written in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and was developed in collaboration with stakeholders such as the FPS Economy, the City of Antwerp, ITCCO, Rosy Blue and other.

You can view the report here in Dutch. The English report can be found here.