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Translations of the client identification form

Tuesday, 2 September, 2014
CSR & Compliance

AWDC has created a form, which specifies the documents Antwerp diamond traders are obliged to ask from their clients. Until recently the form was only available in English, but as of now the form is also available in six other languages.

AWDC now also offers translations of the Anti-Money Laundering client identification form in Chinese, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Hindi and Italian.

The forms are signed by the Chairman and CEO of AWDC and thereby provide you with the necessary authority to request documentation from your clients. Should you still have trouble identifying your customers, do not hesitate to contact the AWDC AML & Compliance Helpdesk via Trissia Stavropoulos, Head of Legal/Compliance & HR at 03 222 05 03 or

Please find the translations below.