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UN day comes to Antwerp

Thursday, 16 October, 2014
CSR & Compliance

In close collaboration with the City of Antwerp, the Flemish Government, the United Nations Association Flanders Belgium (VVN), United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC), the UN in Brussels and UNITAR, Antwerp-ITCCO is for the first time organizing the celebration of United Nations Day in Antwerp on 21 October.

Since 1948, United Nations Day is an occasion to highlight, celebrate and reflect on the work of the United Nations and its family of specialized agencies. This year’s UN Day theme, ‘Green Cities’, will shift our attention to one of the key challenges of our time: rapid urbanization in cities, changing demographics and ageing infrastructures.

Celebrating this UN Day, Antwerp-ITCCO invites UN officials, representatives of the business sector, governments, civil society, academia and students to share their views and experiences on how to contribute to sustainable development in your organization and city.

For more information please click here.