The Official Text

Key Takeaway 1

“It is appropriate to require imports of rough diamonds to be accompanied by a certificate pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 2368/20022 in which the country of mining origin or the countries of mining origin are clearly stated.”

Key Takeaway 2

“It is appropriate to postpone the date of entry into force of the requirement to provide traceability-based evidence for imports of polished diamonds. Furthermore, addressing governance issues associated with the system will require ongoing collaboration with the G7 and third countries. In order to further the facilitation of the implementation of these measures and continued engagement with the G7 and third countries, continued monitoring of the level playing field among G7 partners with regard to diamond-related should be conducted.”

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Update on G7: the Sixteenth Sanction Package against Russia

Diamond Office Helpdesk

Diamond Office Helpdesk

Update on G7: the Sixteenth Sanction Package against Russia