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- 20/12/2013 -
Government of Zimbabwe reports good results on Marange trial tender Saturday, 21 December, 2013 Events

A report issued by the Government of Zimbabwe's Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development, Professor Francis Gudyanga concludes that the trial tender of Marange goods was highly successful. The Antwerp hosted a diamond tender offering rough diamonds from five different diamond-producing companies from the Marange area in Zimbabwe, commissioned by the Government of Zimbabwe and facilitated by First Element, an independent and specialized service-providing company. The tender, attended by 115 potential buyers and the first one held in Antwerp since the European Union lifted the sanctions against the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC), is the result of high level meetings of the Zimbabwean officials and the Antwerp World Diamond Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe and Antwerp over the past few months.

- 20/12/2013 -
KBC sells Antwerp Diamond Bank to Chinese group Yinren Saturday, 21 December, 2013 Diamond data

KBC sells it’s Antwerp Diamond Bank (ADB) to the Yinren group, based in Shanghai. Financial details regarding the sale were not disclosed. The brand ADB and the management team will not change and the headquarters remains in Antwerp.

- 20/12/2013 -
Export rough diamonds increased in November Friday, 20 December, 2013 Diamond data

The monthly import and export figures of the Antwerp diamond trade indicate November was, in general, a rather good month for rough trade. The figures of polished diamonds show a slight decrease compared to November last year.

- 20/12/2013 -
Antwerp-ITCCO has a new internship position Friday, 20 December, 2013 Events, Jobs

Antwerp-ITCCO has a new internship position available. The duration is 6 months, starting on February 17 2014 and ending on August 15th 2014. You can find a detailed description of the internship project(s) here.

- 20/12/2013 -
AWDC’s New Year’s reception – Happy Holidays! Friday, 20 December, 2013 Events

AWDC has the pleasure to invite you to the AD Community New Year's Reception on January 7th from 4PM – 7PM at the entrance of the AWDC Building. We are looking forward to celebrating the New Year with you!


- 18/12/2013 -
Deficiencies with AML/CFT standards and measures to be taken Wednesday, 18 December, 2013 CSR & Compliance

Registered diamond dealers must apply enhanced customer due diligence measures when customers are domiciled, established, have any other links or are involved in a transaction or a business relationship in one of the following 13 jurisdictions: Iran, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Algeria, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Myanmar, Pakistan, Syria, Tanzania, Turkey and Yemen.

- 18/12/2013 -
Invoice fraud in the physical and cyber world Wednesday, 18 December, 2013 Events, Security

AWDC Security Office (AWDC SO) wants to provide the Antwerp diamond community with security recommendations to prevent, detect and respond to ‘invoice fraud’. We can define invoice fraud as the rerouting of payments or invoices to a temporary and criminal bank account instead of the actual and legitimate vendor’s account.

- 18/12/2013 -
A new customer, check before you regret! Wednesday, 18 December, 2013 Events, Security

Most companies in our industry have built up long business relations with their customers, and thus consider them trusted partners. However, in order to expand your business you will inevitably meet new customers on a frequent basis.

The AWDC SO recommends all diamond companies to deal with new customers in a slightly different way compared to known and trusted clients, for both financial and security reasons
