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- 23/10/2014 -
WTOCD grants Coborn license for new polishing machine Thursday, 23 October, 2014 Public Affairs

Coborn Engineering Ltd has decided to acquire a license for WTOCD’s patented grain independent polishing technology. The exclusive license will be granted as of January 2015 and forms a key technological input for a new polishing machine.

- 23/10/2014 -
The Antwerpsche Diamantkring organizing rough diamond trading event Thursday, 23 October, 2014 Events

The Antwerpsche Diamantkring will open its trading floor on Thursday 6 November from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM for the very first rough diamond day trading event.

- 15/10/2014 -
Antwerp Diamond Night in Shanghai Thursday, 16 October, 2014 Events

The Belgian city of Antwerp and the Chinese city of Shanghai celebrated the 30th anniversary of their sisterhood ties with a spectacular fashion show in Shanghai, fully accessorized with diamonds. The exclusive evening was organized by the Antwerp World Diamond Centre and provided an excellent opportunity for Antwerp diamond traders to network with their Chinese counterparts.

- 16/10/2014 -
Stable trade figures for Antwerp diamond sector Thursday, 16 October, 2014 Diamond data

The trade figures of the Antwerp diamond sector for the month of September remained stable. Both the import and export figures of rough diamonds hover around the same values. This was less so the case for polished diamonds, but more expensive goods were being traded compared to the first nine months of last year.

- 16/10/2014 -
UN day comes to Antwerp Thursday, 16 October, 2014 CSR & Compliance

In close collaboration with the City of Antwerp, the Flemish Government, the United Nations Association Flanders Belgium (VVN), United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC), the UN in Brussels and UNITAR, Antwerp-ITCCO is for the first time organizing the celebration of United Nations Day in Antwerp on 21 October.

- 16/10/2014 -
Looking for a new employee to strengthen your team? Thursday, 16 October, 2014 Jobs

AD Jobs specializes in job openings in the diamond sector and is free of charge for all users. The job site offers a diverse range of vacancies; the sector is looking for diamond polishers as well as employees for administrative and commercial functions.

- 09/10/2014 -
Minister-President of Flanders Geert Bourgeois visits Antwerp diamond sector Thursday, 9 October, 2014 Public Affairs

On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Prime Minister Geert Bourgeois visited the Antwerp diamond sector. The visit was part of a series of visits that the Prime Minister will pay to the most important economic sectors in Flanders in the coming months.

- 09/10/2014 -
Another successful Open Company Day for Antwerp diamond sector Thursday, 9 October, 2014 Events

For a third successive year, the Antwerp diamond industry opened its doors to the public, welcoming almost 2,500 visitors. "Some 72 tons of diamonds are traded in Antwerp every year," says Ari Epstein, CEO of AWDC. "It is hard for people unfamiliar with the industry to imagine what that means, which makes Open Company Day an ideal opportunity for them to take a look behind the scenes."

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